GLF at School

GLF at School

Yvonne carried out morning assembly for year 6 pupils in Haringey this morning. Yvonne talked about Godwin and her family experience of knife crime and then discussed it with the students. She also spoke about the consquences of knife crime for those carrying knives...
Get on in Life!

Get on in Life!

Yvonne joined the London Fire Brigade who were running the LIFE Programme for a group of young people in Haringey in February. Local Intervention Fire Education (LIFE) is a 4 or 5 day programme for 14–17-year-olds at a fire station in your area. It is an interactive...
Keepings kids safe!

Keepings kids safe!

Yvonne spent the afternoon with the Parental Forum today  helping parents with tips on keeping their children safe.   Some of the tips she shared included: Parents and carers can play an important role in stopping knife crime becoming a part of their child’s...