Together we can put a STOP to knife crime

Our aim is to reduce gun and knife crime by encouraging young people to identify their talents and fulfill their potential through providing positive opportunities so that they can avoid gang life and develop their capabilities as members of a tolerant society.
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1 million

children helped

1 million

children helped

1 million

children helped


“The most powerful intervention we have had for our students – not only are relationships improving for them but they are positively engaging in school activities that are voluntary!”

– Hazel Saunders Director of Learning Year 9 at Hornsey School for Girls

Talk. Listen. Unite. Prevent.

The team


Our vision is a London where every young person can fulfil their potential and never carry a weapon again.

Since 2012, we’ve worked with over 5000 at-risk young people in London. We aim for them to have the understanding, skills and confidence to stay safe and maximise their life chances.

We provide holistic support by working with influential groups in the child’s life. We include their schools, parents, local communities, councils, the police and youth organisations.

What our supporters say

Supporter quote here…

– Steve Jones

Supporter quote here…

– Steve Jones

Supporter quote here…

– Steve Jones

Please help by pledging your support to Godwin Lawson Foundation

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